Tips for Preventing Electrical Fires by Appliances
We rely on appliances for a fully functional home, but they can also
potentially lead to electrical fires when they’re not properly maintained.
The following safety tips will help you prevent electrical fires from
Perform Regular Maintenance
Make sure you stay current on all necessary maintenance of your
appliances. In addition, dusting behind appliances, cleaning out lint
filters in dryers and checking your refrigerator coil to make sure it’s
clean are all easy ways to reduce your risk of fires.
Unplug Appliances That Aren’t in Use
There are certain appliances that aren’t practical to unplug, such as your
refrigerator or your washer/dryer. However, many smaller appliances can
and should be unplugged when not in use. These include toasters, space
heaters, electric blankets and small kitchen or bathroom appliances. Not
only will you prevent fires, but you’ll save money on your electric bills.
Minimize the Number of Appliances in Use at Once
It’s common to use a variety of appliances when cooking such as instant
pots, toasters, blenders and food processors. Always be conscious of how
many appliances you’re running at once and where they’re plugged in. You
can easily overload a kitchen outlet if you run too many appliances at
once, and this can cause a fire.
Replace Older Appliances
Appliances are expensive, and it’s understandable that you want to
maximize their lifespan. But when appliances get old, there’s a greater
chance they’ll malfunction and start an electrical fire. Replace any
appliance if you see frayed electrical cords, sparks when you turn it on,
or excessive heat coming from the device.